My Book Launch

... is next Friday.

At The Prophouse Cafe at 1636 Venables st. Vancouver.

The Facebook Page

My "Author" FB Page

So I'm preparing for that. have some new books ordered in to sell at the show. Also two local legends: Rodney DeCroo & Wyckham Porteous will be opening the evening for me with their own unique brands of wordsmithy. It's going to be a fun gig. I'm pretty excited. And I must confess, a wee bit nervous. I haven't "Read" in a few years. But I've been rehearsing, and most of my old standbys like say "Like Bukowski In Drag" seem to come pretty easily. Muscle memory. Like riding a bicycle. mmm Poetry Bikes.

Otherwise, I really do feel like self publishing is the way for me to go, at least at the moment. I live a fairly simple existence: Job/Commitment wise specifically so I can have the downtime needed to write and develop my craft. Am I vigilant in this? Not so much. But I've never been a fast starter with anything. I prefer the slow burn method. My methods of learning are much more sponge like t I think, than most. When I was in school, I never took much in the way of notes. I read, casually, but thoroughly, mulled and most importantly discussed (in classes, and out) the things I was absorbing.

This I am only realizing now has served me better in the long term than it did in the short term (mediocre transcript etc...) The main thing I got from University was that I was a writer. A poet.

Which is kind of weird, as until I started writing poetry, it was low on my list of forms I enjoyed. I learned to read from Spider-Man Comics (and Sesame St (1st gen Sesame St. kid thankyou.) and moved through Hardy Boys etc into Fantasy & SF. I still read a lot of genre fiction. Mostly actually. But I also read as much Canlit as I can also. But I'm getting all auto-bio again, when I do in fact have a point to get to, eventually.

(Maybe you can tell ? I like to blog without editing. It's a public diary, right? Well it is for me. )

What I'm saying is that when I was young if I ever thought about being a writer, it would have been as an author of probably both SF & Fantasy stories. I played a lot of D&D and loved Comic books, and whatever other nerdly pursuits I found. This is still pretty much my life.

So why am I not an SF writer? I'm going to have to give that a try. I have some ideas. I'll let you know when they are read-able.

But back to Poetry.... I still don't read a lot of poetry to be honest, other than my own that is. But I am now also a poetry nerd, as well as a comic book, SF nerd.

I think we all need to have some kind of creative outlet, mode of expression that is communicative, not just typing or writing &/or drawing... for some it might be dance, a sport, or walking, talking, conversing, for many it's all these things. Of course, right?

I find though it's easy to get into a non communicative rut of working, home, relax
 alone, sleep, repeat, repeat repeat.... So I'm forcing the issue a bit by getting my work out there and getting back to a bit of performing and that kind of relationship building that happens between you and a crowd.



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